Friday, August 27, 2010

When Whales Attack!

There’s a great post over at the Atlantic by Conor Friedersdorf talking about how books (especially political books) with inflammatory titles are all the rage these days. It is an annoying practice, in my opinion, particularly when liberal writers slap hyperbolic titles on books in which they rail against inflammatory language used by the right. At the end of his post, Friedersdorf says, and I’m paraphrasing, that soon, publishing houses will start re-releasing classic books with updated, unhinged titles to get the book-buying public all stirred up.

And that got me thinking.

What would some of those titles be? A short list of classic fiction books came to mind that feature subdued titles. A list:

1.) "Moby Dick" would become “When Whales ATTACK!!!”

2.) "One Hundred Years of Solitude" would be "The Fall of the House of Jose Aureliano, Aureliano Jose, Jose Aurelanio Buendia, and Like Three Remidioses"

I could go like this all day. Ah, Fridays.

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